"HAND TAPPED" In April 2016, I traveled to American Samoa as part of the Marine Corps Forces Pacific Band to participate in their Flag Day Ceremony and surrounding events. This annual ceremony attracts quite a bit of attention, leaving no vacancies at any of the hotels on island. Fortunately, we were honored guests and made our reservations well ahead of time. What I had not planned on, was getting a Tattoo. Wilson is an Internationally known Tattoo Artist from American Samoa. I'm pretty sure he has more to his name than just "Wilson", but that's what he calls himself, and that's what everyone knows him as. While I had some "Liberty" on the island, I scheduled a session with the master. It was quite a bit different than other tattoo sessions I've had. Tattoos are a big deal in American Samoa. It's common for children to start getting "inked up" at around age 16. The culture is quite a bit different there, than that o...