"Whats Old is New Again"
As a young child, I really enjoyed coloring books. The empty spaces presented endless possibilities to express myself with color. The original image would always be there, but it carried new and unique meaning when colored in a different way. With the advancements in technology, this same basic concept can apply to photos that have been sitting stagnant in an old album. A new "Paint Job" brings new life to an otherwise old and boring image. "What's Old is New Again" embodies the playful childlike spirit that lives deep in each of us, and reminds us to reconnect with that spirit when life gets too serious and weighs you down.
My composition started with a photo taken while I was stationed in Hawaii with the Marine Corps Forces Pacific Band as the Small Ensemble Leader. This photo was taken in 2015 when I was still a Staff Sergeant (standing on the far right while looking at the photo). The occasion was just a photo shoot of the band to update our press and marketing materials. This particular photo only shows the Command Element of the Band, which consists (from left to right) of the Drum Major (Staff Sergeant Orange), Band Officer & Officer in Charge (Chief Warrant Officer 3 Sherlock), Bandmaster (Master Gunnery Sergeant Montoya) and the Small Ensemble Leader (myself). The other two members of the Command Element (Instrument Repair Technician & Enlisted Conductor) are not shown in this photo.
To technical process for this project started with setting up an appropriately sized photoshop project, importing a photo, and changing the color to Black & White. The coloring process duplicated the original image group into separate groups for each of the color combinations used. The colors were picked using the adobe color selection website (color.adobe.com). The base color for my project is HEX: 00DCFF (or RGB: 0, 220, 255). 6 different color schemes consisting of Analogous, Complementary, Compound, Monochromatic, Triad, and Shades were used to create my piece. Photoshop allowed me to work with many layers, brush tools, selection tools, and transparencies to shape and process my image.

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