
Showing posts from May, 2019


"PORTFOLIO" This is the final project for my FMX 210 spring 2019 course. It's been an amazing semester, and I learned quite a bit. We covered my material that I would have ever though possible in one semester. This portfolio was made in Adobe In Design, and captures each of the projects that I completed in the FMX 210 class this semester.
BUSINESS CARDS     I took a very simple approach to creating my business card. I used my LOGO as the main visual element to draw attention. The basic black font's are a contrast of "Bodoni MT" and "Acumin Pro". The back of the card is strictly utilitarian. It serves as an appointment reminder and parking validation. This is the type of card I would use for day to day business with clients that come in and out of my establishment. If I were to go to a trade show, I’d develop a card that has more of a "Wow Factor" and stands out.

P12_Annimation / Rotoscope / Audio

"Island Drumming" This is a video of me playing the traditional log drums of American Samoa. The raw footage was recorded with an iPhone while visiting a school in Pago Pago as part of the annual Flag Day celebration in April 2016. I've always thought it would be fun to do something with this video, and this project provided the perfect opportunity to experiment with creative techniques.  The first 10 seconds of video were created in Adobe Photoshop by tracing outlines and filling them, frame by frame (A technique known as Rotoscoping). At 12 frames per second, this added up to 120 individual frames. The remaining video was edited with effects in Adobe Premier. The original audio from the iPhone was duplicated and denoised using the utility plug in "RX6" from iZotope. The dialog was recorded with a shure SM57 into a focusrite audio interface and Avid's ProTools software. Additional sound design was created using Kontakt...