Is the “Web” and the “Internet” the same thing? They have been so intertwined that people don’t seem to know that there is a distinction between them. While there are few that seem to know the difference, even fewer know of their origins. So are they the same thing? No more than a chicken and an egg are the same thing… Perhaps a good question is, “Which came first, the Chicken of the Egg?” Or better yet, the “Web” or the “Internet”?... According to, “… a group of people are responsible for building the Internet.” In 1945, Vannevar Bush of the Defense Research Committee (during WWII) wrote, “that information would play a significantly larger role in all future conflicts”. A “Memex device” was his solution for storing and managing the mass amounts of data that would be created daily. “J.C.R. Licklider picked up where Vannevar Bush left off.” His work “envisioned a network composed of other networks that would create a computing system more powerful than any in e...